Friday, February 5, 2010

He loves rock and roll

Here is the story of Jacob's love for rock. It all started when I would let the kids listen to my MP3 player. I had put some children's church songs on it so that when they were getting restless in the car or in stores they could listen to some music and chill out. It also had my music on it (with no play lists created) including one song from blink 182 that wasn't inappropriate but had a heavy beat to it. I wasn't real thrilled about them listening to that song so if it came on I would skip it. I started to notice that Jacob had that song playing rather frequently and one time I tried to skip it he protested saying that he liked it. The little stinker had figured out how to skip through the music and would find this particular song over and over.

When Christmas came, one of his gifts was a big dump truck that could be controlled by buttons on the side. It also had sound effects, one of which was this heavy metal sounding music. (Pretty realistic for some construction sites, but a little weird for a toddler toy). As he was playing with it the music came on and Hannah said that she didn't like the music. I said I didn't either. Then Jacob chimes in:

"My do! (I do) It makes me go like this!" Jacob then clenches his fists and makes this gutteral growling sound "GRRRRRRR. and GRRRRRRRR!"

ooookay. No more rock for you little man.

This is real time people

I took these pictures about thirty minutes ago, so that means just before 11. PM! Let me begin by mentioning that Hannah has this incredible super kid power of talking FOR-EV-ER. When she talks, though, she also peppers in questions after, like each sentence so that the listener has to stay some what engaged. "Look at those trees, they are pretty! Aren't they pretty? Huh mom? Huh mom? Mom, aren't they pretty. I like trees, huh?, don't I mom? It is an incredible technique for getting what she wants because after 5-10 minutes I am on yes auto-drive and that is when she throws in: Can we make cupcakes today? I of course said yes and then four questions later realized that I didn't want to make cupcakes. Then being tired I put Jacob down for a nap, left Hannah playing in her room and stretched out on the sofa to read some Jane Austin. Nope, too tired. Fell asleep for 3 hours. Hannah woke me up at 6:45 saying she was feeling a little hungry and mentioning that it just might be dinner time since it was dark out. Got Jacob up, fed them and then Hannah was saying it was time to make cupcakes. Fortunately Jeff got home then so I could leave Jacob behind when Hannah and I went to walmart. Got home at 8:30. Hannah wanted to make these darn things as much by herself as she possibly could (read: this is going to take all night).
This is what part of my kitchen looks like. (I realize Hannah is wearing a coat in the first photo, she said she was cold. I promise we have the heat on in our house. Also, I mistakenly flipped the photo so that doesn't really look like the layout of my kitchen.)

This is what my living room looked like after we got back from walmart. Needless to say I am feeling a little defeated. I ate two of the "life by chocolate" cupcakes in an attempt to elevate my mood.