Sunday, October 11, 2009

The football game

Jeff, Jason, Jacob, and Baba went to the Gamecocks vs. Wildcats football game this weekend (Brave brave souls). Helen, Nana, Hannah, and I were going to do a little mall shopping that Saturday and we hadn't quite decided which group Jacob was going to go with. The Friday evening before the get-together Jeff asked Jacob what he wanted to do.
Jeff: Hey Jacob do you want to go to a football game with the boys?
Jacob: Yeah!
Jeff: Or do you want to go shoe shopping?
The sound of Jeff's soul dying a little.
Jeff: You are going to the game. I am going to buy you a hot dog and a foam finger and you are going to love it.

Jacob is making the funniest face.

With Mark being a UK grad and Uncle Jason from USC I decided to have all the bases covered. UK t-shirt with a gamecock hat.

1 comment:

Mikelene said...

"The sound of Jeff's soul dying a little." HILARIOUS!!