Friday, October 16, 2009


Yesterday after dropping off Hannah, Jacob and I were driving home and he wanted to listen to my mp3 player with earphones instead of through the tape deck which we were doing. He was very unhappy but I really just wanted to listen to some Yo-Yo Ma playing Bach (DIVINE!!!) After realizing that he wasn't going to get his way he exclaimed : you driving me CRAZY!

After picking up Hannah from preschool, I put a movie on for the kids, left them sitting on the sofa tranquilly and went to lie down (still recoup'ing from a stomach bug). Hannah comes up later to inform me that Jacob has poured lots of syrup on the carpet and is driving his trains through it. It was bad. Very very bad. I can still smell the maple up the stairs. Crazy? You haven't seen crazy yet buster.


Mikelene said...

Oh, Morgan!! Sounds like we need to start that suppport group ASAP! Now I can't complain about Michael's latest antics, b/c they are NOTHING compared to maple syrup on carpet. Hang in there! :)

Heather said...

Good luck with the different carpet cleaners. I hope you're able to find the perfect one for syrup "spills." Let me know if you need any more time at my house to let the kids go. I'm so glad we found each other to support one another through our times of insanity.

Heather said...

I wanted to write another comment thanking you for always leaving comments on my blog. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. ;)

Coordination Queen said...

oh my gosh. i think i would have put my kid in his room for the rest of the day or until i didn't have the desire to duct tape him to the wall.