Sunday, April 25, 2010

golfing and a make-over

Earlier this month, Aunt Stephanie hooked us up with some mini-golf which Jacob loooooved. Until he got tired and hungry and threw his ball in the water.
I am no golf pro but I think she should work on her form. The kids looked like they were playing hockey out there. Funny thing, when we went out for dinner, there was a hockey game playing and Hannah said: That's what we did today!

Nana and Baba gave Hannah part of an early b-day gift: a makeover at the Sparkle store. Jacob was rather curious about the whole thing.

It has been over two weeks and there is still blue sparkles stuck to Hannah's scalp. I can't get it off. I guess that's how the place gets it's name.

Hannah showing off her new look on the stage. Guess what? She has finally outgrown her allergy to kid makeup. Yeah, we weren't real sure how things were going to end up, but that was a risk she was more than willing to take.


Mikelene said...

They're golfing like Happy Gilmore! Nothing wrong with that. "GO TO YOUR HOLE!"
I've never heard of the Sparkle store. Looks like a fun place for girls!

Mary Beth said...

where is the Sparkle store - I NEED to go there