Sunday, May 2, 2010

J for Jacob

I really need to teach Hannah how to tie her shoes but I just really don't want to do it. Not sure why, just don't wanna. (Honestly, I am kind of hoping that my mom will eventually do it. She played monoply with Hannah for crying out loud). But that wasn't what I really wanted to blog about, just putting it out there. I haven't pushed Jacob on learning his letters, he wasn't really interested but he has been watching Hannah writing words and now he wants to do it too. Funny thing, he likes to write the names of trains after he draws them. Unfortunately, there are no trains named Jacob. So most of the time he can recall how to spell Henry and Thomas but when we talk about how to spell his name, he is stuck after the J.


Just Katy said...

Playing Monopoly is a true act of love. That game is terrible and it lasts FOREVER. Hurray for your Mom.

And good luck to Jacob on his name. Hopefully they'll make a Jacob train soon enough - then problem solved.

Heather said...

I have no advice. I just wanted to say hello and sorry I have no ideas for this dilema. The god news is that he at least can do Henry and Thomas and his name is short so once he gets the swing of things it won't take him long. =D hehehe. I miss y'all!

Coordination Queen said...

Maybe you could make a train with his name on it... just print it on the side using a paint pen... just a thought. :)