Friday, July 24, 2009

Jacob riding a pony!

My kids are not the real adventurous and daredevil type. Or even the cautious type. More like the No way am I doing that and you can't make me type. I try not to make a big deal out of it while still encouraging them to try new things (well, I do make Jacob ride an animal on the carousel, Hannah still likes to simply sit on the peacock bench and wave). Sorry bud, I can make you. So I was very excited when Jacob decided that today was the day he was going to ride a pony. (They were the only kids that wouldn't ride the donkey my mom rented for her 60th birthday party for cryin' out loud).
The pony was named Spooky which I thought was a rather poor idea. The woman leading the pony asked why Hannah wasn't going to ride. When I told her that she was afraid, the woman asked if Hannah would like to pet the pony. "Maybe." I replied.

We stayed at the zoo too long and so things were a little dicey near the end. Here is Hannah putting Jacob in a headlock while yelling: Look at the camera! Look at the camera! That was the last photo for the day.

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