Sunday, November 15, 2009


Here is a not very great picture of Katy, my great friend, who works a lot, talks to me about being a more responsible consumer and to be more green, causes me to reseach what the heck she is blogging about ( Friedrich Neitzshe and P. G. Wodehouse lunching in the after life, come again?), gives me hope (Iran has a "if we decide to make nice" plan for tourism on the backburner- cool), makes me laugh, is a great mom, and is now living very close to me! Unfortunately for the second attribute of working a lot we don't get to hang out as much as I would like but this day we made it to the zoo with our boys.
Jacob likes Reuben and is sharing his Banana nut cheerios with him as we are riding the tram. The weather was beautiful and it was such a fun day.

1 comment:

Just Katy said...

Aww, thanks. I'm touched.

And with me that picture is just about as good as it gets. Definitely an action shot of R cramming as much as he can into his mouth. J is such an enabler :)