Sunday, November 15, 2009

My new favorite thing: Ta-da lists

This is not my list featured above. Mine is way cooler. I found this site that lets you make lists for free and I am in OCD heaven. I love that you can make seperate lists and it has little boxes on the side for you to check them off which then moves them to the bottom of your list without a box and in a smaller font. I love that I can use the laptop on the counter and look at it throughout the day. I love that I will never again have scraps of paper with scrawled to do lists hidden throughout my house and purse. I love that it is called Ta Da and not To Do. I love that with one click I can see what I wanted to change in my bedroom, or what the next thing we need to do to for house maintainance is, or what my next step for emergency preparedness is.
The joy I get out of this has confirmed for Jeff that I am crazy. What is even funnier is the site is called cdo.tadalist. CDO is OCD only in alaphabetical order, as it should be. (Jeff really loved that joke as he thought it applied to me)
Something may very well be wrong with me but I am not alone!

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