Sunday, March 29, 2009

deciding to be dedicated

Katy is a friend of mine who I have known since I was 12 years old. When she came back to SC to visit her family I was able to visit with her and her husband and her adorable little baby boy, Rueben. She inspired me to start drawing again. I have always enjoyed drawing but never felt like I was very good so I didn't pursue any art classes in high school or do much studying or practice. So I have decided to try to develop my hobby and I really like sketching and watercolor. Here is a picture that I am working on. It feels really good to give myself a break, to actively decide that even though I am not as good as I would like to be, that I can still enjoy the process, that I can be proud of what I am doing, (and even post it on the internet). I still feel very self concious about the whole thing but it is so freeing to believe that I can get better as I work on it. So, I have decided to do some drawing or painting at least five days a week.


Mary Beth said...

wow, that's a beautiful picture, Morgan! is there anything you can't do?

Mark D. Collier said...

We loved your essay on the flowers. You are an excellent writer and keeping what you have written will become a great legacy for your family.

We like your blog. Check out Mark Robert's wife and her website She is quite an artist and is winning national art contests.

Mark and Sally Collier