Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oh, the choices

A cute picture of Jacob looking at all his options. We have registered Hannah for preschool for the fall. We let her pick which one she liked best and the winner was Pilgrim Lutheran. Her classes are Monday- Thursday from 9-1 and the kids get to bring their own lunches every day. That was the clincher. The other preschools all let out earlier and had no lunch or had a lunch bunch after class for two days out of the week. Not nearly enough lunches in her opinion. She has it all planned out. She will be using her princess lunchbox and will eat pb&j sandwhiches. Pretty funny considering she does NOT like pb&j sandwhiches, doesn't eat them ever, but apparently she finds something very appealing about the idea and is not budging.


Mary Beth said...

Morgan - you didn't tell me you had a blog!!!!
I enjoy these pics of your precious kids.

Morgan said...

Hi Mary Beth! My blog was embarrassed after it saw your blog. Just kidding, but really, yours is super cute. I saw it at Kassie's house when she was helping me set this up but I don't have the address for it. I would like to get it. Thanks!